Monday, March 17, 2014

Gotcha Day

When adopting a child, it can be hard on families to decided how to let that child know that they are adopted. So one way a lot of families are doing this is by celebrating a "Gotcha Day." I don't think it's what you want to call the day to the child, but you want to celebrate the day you brought them home every year and honor the fact that they are adopted.
On, writer Jacoba Urist wrote an article about how "Gotcha Day" can be bad on teens that are adopted and how it may put a negative affect on their adoption process, but families with adopted children who celebrate the day say that it is all good. Amy Rogers of Bellevue, Washington, who adopted her 14-year-old daughter, says "they have to see a family celebrate or live it to understand that 'Gotcha Day' is an important part of an adopted child's story. That day is as much of a miracle as birth" (Urist, 2013).
So like with everything else, it may not be something that works out for all families. It's something you may have to try out. But for the most part, it's a great way to celebrate your adopted child.

Taylor M.

Urist, J. (2013, November 07). 'gotcha da'y celebrations spark debate among families who adopt. Retrieved from


  1. I have never heard of this before but I think that it is a fabulous thing to do. I think it would help the adopted child to feel valued and loved, celebrating the day that they came into your family. Thanks for the info.

  2. That sounds really awesome. I can not wait to share this idea with my friends who have adopted. I wonder if they celebrate "gotcha day" - and if they do I wonder if they would share that day with me. I would love to celebrate with them. So awesome. Thanks for sharing.
